Monday, July 20, 2015

Love: life's way to promote you

Before we get to what love can be, let's delve into what love is. Love in one word is understanding, that which leads to patience, forbearance, and maturity. Love makes a better person, one who gives without expectation, the kind of love pets show us, and nature bestows upon us. Love does not discriminate, has no identity and gives no room for negativity. Love cares but doesn't smother, doesn't ask but suggests, and doesn't scold but kisses. Now, is love a feeling, emotion, or behaviour? I'd think it's a mode of being, a state of existence. True love does not colour one's thoughts, emotions, and feelings, but it permeates the source of all thought, emotion and feeling. Hence, true love determines your feelings, emotions and behaviour.

So, you could ask: "If love is meant to be a state of being, then one can and must love all. And, love them all the same way. So, does it mean that one could love more than one person?" Well, to answer this, let me analyze the difference between romance and love. Romance is often misunderstood for love. Romance is an independent layer in the brain, stemming from lust. Love has nothing to do with it, though when layered on love, romance could be much more interesting. The answer to the question is that one can love more than one person. Love in the true sense of the word. And, at the extremity, I envision a realized soul as one who can and must love all, and all of them the same way. And, if one reaches that state, he/she would have little use for lust/romance/flirtations. Sex just becomes an act, just like one that satisfies a bodily urge, like hunger or thirst. And, I'm guessing that at that coveted state of realization, one could and will sublimate this urge, where probably sex amounts to nothing. Therefore, my theory is that if one could love all, he has attained salvation. This is probably why people say that one of the paths to God is to practise unconditional and absolute love, and that love is divine. We reject love in our lives in so many ways, at so many instances. When juniors show it to us at work, we feel they are fawning over us; when the seniors show it, they are weak; when it's our parents they are protective; when it's our friends, they are so boring. Let me tell you that every time love knocks on your door, it's life's call to upgrade you. Show love and see change.

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