Monday, January 19, 2015

In the beholder's eyes

'Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' is a true statement. Its depth startled me as I dug into what it represented to me at the time. How would I decide that something is beautiful? What is beauty? Symmetry could be beauty to one person, while an unshaven beard is beauty to another and to a different person, simply food is beauty. We are so vastly different in our minds; our preferences are different. However, what made us different is a whole new topic - if you believe in destiny, then it's our fate or if you don't, then, it's the circumstances we were nourished in. Coming back to the topic of beauty, I would consider the characteristic of beauty to be a reflection of our personalities. By personality, I mean preferences and prejudices. I cannot see beauty in an object I do not even accept as useful / worthy / innocent / any of the positive adjectives that our minds have associated with things we "like". Beauty is an acknowledgement of acceptance. For instance, if I have not accepted flowers in any of the above categories of 'acceptance', then I would not consider them beautiful ever. It's not simply about the symmetry, colours or smell of a flower that would make a person call a flower beautiful, but firstly, it is the raw fact that he/she has accepted 'flowers'. So, now that we see where beauty comes from - acceptance, the rule to making things around us beautiful and to make our own lives beautiful is to 'accept' things. Accept the enormity of work that has gone into every creation, accept the nature of people, accept the fallacies of our near ones, accept the follies of friends. By 'acceptance', I do not mean subservience or submitting to fate, but the courage to acknowledge differences.

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