Friday, January 30, 2015

We fear, so we emote

We get angry, throw tantrums, flavour our lines with sarcasm or just give our loved ones the silent treatment. But how is it that we reserve our best behaviour for our neighbours whom we don't know, relatives whom we hate and strangers whom we needn't care for. We tend to be sweet to others while people within our homes get to see our nastiest side. We all know that we wear masks from time to time; what we think is not what we say, how we wish to react might be considered disrespectful and how we wish to behave could be socially unacceptable for others. But, why do we wear masks? If we speak and behave how we choose to, there's a chance that we would be outcast. But, why is it that what we truly are is generally unacceptable? On the contrary, why do we not be the person that we genuinely are, instead of hiding behind a mask?

The reason for this is one of man's fundamental emotions: fear; fear of being mistaken, of being lonely and of conflict. Fear induces doubt, thereby undermining strength and impeding progress. On the other side, fear prevents perilous gambles. However, on a general basis, our fears are restrictive. It is said that we are born with only two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds. The rest of the fears, we have acquired.  Good luck to you to identify your fears and unlearn them. One fear unlearnt is one potential unleashed!

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